Later this month (on March 28th, to be exact), I'll be taking part in SkeptiCamp Phoenix 2009. SkeptiCamp "focuses on topics of interest to skeptics, including science, critical thinking and skeptical inquiry," and all of the presentations are given by camp attendees. So far, the schedule includes talks on academic freedom and the intelligent design movement, how to be a happy skeptic, and critical thinking for dummies (among others). I'll be giving a talk entitled, "Methods of the Pseudo-Psychic." This promises to be a really interesting and entertaining day. There are still a lot of open seats, so I suggest you sign up! Here's the information:
When: 10:00am Saturday, March 28th, 2009
Where: Arizona State University, Discovery Building Rm. 246 (map)
More info here.
Register here.
I'm so sorry I'll miss it. Break a leg, T-dawg!
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